Rick Simpson Oil


What is Rick Simpson Oil? RSO is an oil made by washing cannabis buds with a solvent, such as pure light naphta, and then boiling off the solvent leaving behind the oil.

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Rick Simpson Oil, more commonly known as RSO, is one of the first examples of modern medical marijuana extracts. It was first introduced in the early 2000s and thanks to its powerful potency and therapeutic effects, it has since become a staple for many medical marijuana patients.

RSO can be defined as a full-spectrum extract. The buzzword ‘full-spectrum’ refers to full-spectrum cannabis oil (FSCO) or full-extract cannabis oil (FECO) in which all the compounds of the marijuana plant (e.g., flavonoids, phenols, fatty acids, terpenes, and cannabinoids) are maintained during extraction.

RSO can be consumed in a multitude of ways, making it a versatile choice for patients with different conditions. In general, however, RSO is often applied as a topical or ingested orally.


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